Daily Dose! America is at War with Vegemite!
“In Australia the slogan is that Vegemite puts a rose in every cheek; but today America has slapped the cheek of every Australian.”
Weekend reports from Australian and New Zealand media said some people had been searched or asked by US Customs and Border Protection agents if they were carrying Vegemite
The bizarre crackdown was prompted because Vegemite has been deemed illegal under US food laws.
The great Aussie icon – faithfully carried around the world by travellers from downunder – contains folate, which under a technicality, America allows to be added only to breads and cereals.
One source is quoted as saying…
“Will we see Australian and Kiwi vegemite runners trying to smuggle it into the States next? This is yet another sign of the growing police state where the American public are denied the taste of a product with the consistancy of axle grease and a taste that will pucker your lips. (actually I really like it especially with chunky butter on toast)”