Sydney with Kids
Are you traveling with kids? A valuable learning experience for the whole family, it sometimes comes with its own special difficultires. One such difficulty is finding kid friendly venues for a feed. Sydney is a city of fabulous places to eat, and there is no reason not to experience them just because you are a party of 2.5 instead of 2.
Nearly 1400 general public diners who have visited a number of restaurants with their kids have made their voices heard and have created a list of the top 20 kid-friendly restaurants in Sydney. managed by Gary Munitz, says
“savvy restauranteurs are realizing that diners with children are a foce to be reckoned with. These people are tired of restraunts turning up their noses when they show up with children.”
Many of the places on the list offer kid sized portions of adult dishes rather that just your standard nuggets or spaghetti.