Yea! I’m off to see U2 in Adelaide!
Hello Hello…. There’s a place called Vertigo! Hey gang- I am utilizing a concert as a GREAT excuse to go visit a part of Australia I have not yet been to. This is actually a really good strategy (in my humble opinion) for two reasons.
First, if you are living and working in Melbourne or Sydney- it is often difficult to get tickets to the really big acts like U2 and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. You dramatically increase your chances of getting a ticket by going to some of the smaller “Big cities” like Adelaide, Brisbane and Darwin.
The second reason- is that it gives people like me a really good reason to leave the comfort of my ex-pat life and go and see the rest of the country. By planning a 5 day trip around a concert- I am going to see things that I might never have gotten around to doing. I did the same thing with Cold Play in Brisbane. 2 cities that were on my to do list and 2 major concerts. How cool is that!
So do yourself a favor- next time you are set to go see a big concert- get tickets to a different city and turn it into an adventure! See you all in a few days!