Northern Territory Jet Setting
Ha Ha Ha! what a great title if I do say so. The concept of Jet setting in the NT is funny all in its own. Well, at any rate, my recent silence is attributed to the lack of Internet Facilities and Mobile Phone access I have experienced while tromping about in the bush of the Northern Territory this week. The Territory is HUGE on experience, not so hot on Connectivity.
I absolutely love coming to the Territory. It is a little bit dangerous, a little bit romantic, a little bit wild, and a whole lot of gorgeous. The Territorians have a great laid back attitude and cowboy-like outlook on life. Though I do have to say I see more bandages on people here than I’ve ever seen. (So maybe it is more than just a little bit dangerous.) Anyway, I anticipate not posting for a few more days, so here are a few links to some of my past posts about the Territory. Enjoy!
I’m off to The Kimberley, back up through Katherine and Jabiru, and finishing off in Darwin. Wish me luck and I’ll see you all soon! OH! I saw the BIG Pink Buffalo today! Gotta love those BIG attractions!
Darwin Home Page
Darwin Home Page 2
The Triangle
Find a Hostel( I am staying in the Cavenagh- I give it pretty decent ratings, great pool, great deck, avarage rooms, but hey, it is cheap).